A few months ago, my buddy Brian offered to help me make a video for Kickstarter purposes. As Threat or Menace is coming to fruition, we started planning it and shot it today with a bunch of great cast/crew. This is definitely the biggest-deal video I have been a part of making for my own purposes. In this one, I am writer/ producer/ talent/ crew. Just a couple of hats there. It’s lots of fun, and also exhausting.

The next steps for the video are the post-production pieces; color grading, editing, graphics, music, and voice over. Brian is wrangling a lot of that, meanwhile I’ll be continuing to plan the budget, writing the campaign page, contacting people to review the game, fine-tuning the rules document, and continuing to show it in order to build up interest and awareness.

I’m really excited that this is in the pipeline for release. It’s been a long time coming, and is proving to be worth the wait.
The so-called “Superhero Game” of years-in-the-making has been recently renamed to the magnificently titled
Threat or Menace!
I’ve been chipping away at the 90% finished milestone for a while now. Through lots and lots of playtesting and wiggling the different moving parts, consulting with smarter-than-me-people about word choices, and trying to figure out how best to communicate the rules without wholly revisiting grammar classes.
And I think we’re about ready to move into a serious graphic design stage!
Which means, that Threat or Menace is part of the Brooklyn Indie Grab Bag that many Backstory Cards backers will soon have! I’m really looking forward to knocking that off my to-do list.
Butter post, getting this thing tested and worked out.
Next Instant Setting deck is gonna be TOTALLY METAL!
Featuring art by Rachel Kahn (By Crom!, Project: Dark)
We're a small game publisher and professional services provider in the wilds of Brooklyn that brings independent designers and artists together to create great games.